
Blog/Diary Assignment 4

W Five (CTV)
Stamping out crime
If you live in Toronto, you may be a lucky one because you don’t need to worry lot about your mail is stolen. But in Vancouver, a lot of people have been losing their mail every day. In this episode, Stamping out crime Organized thieves are honing in on other peoples' mail and cheating them out of billions by stealing their identities. describes that there are some organized thieves who are honing in on other peoples' mail and cheating them out of billions by stealing their identities. Who should take the responsibility, the police or the Canada Post? Although the latter has been charged with ensuring that our mail gets through to its rightful owners, no matter what, but are these safe guards really protecting your mail? The answer is No. Unlike American postal service, whose security has the right to arrest the Suspect who involves in mail stealing, the safe guard of Canada Post even can’t give evidence to the police. If you live in Toronto, are you a really lucky one? No, because the same thing has being happening across whole country.

Discovery Channel
Destroyed in Seconds Greensburg
In this episode, the tornado shows elemental rage in its violence. On May 4th, 2007, EF5 tornado, one of the largest twins in the recent history hit Kansas, wiped the town Greensburg off the map. This documentary also shows that human beings are creative creature. After the disaster, scientists begin to study where those tornadoes come from, how strong they are. Their goal is tries to learn about the tornado’s form and wind in the tornado, how it to get damage, so in the future people can build better building. There are some C.G in this documentary such as 3D models of the houses and museum.

The Fog of War
This documentary film seems very simple, this is, only one man is interviewed, and the place is not changed. However, when I watch it, I get big shake. Former Secretary of Defense of the United State Robert S. McNamara just seats there and talks like a regular guy, but he went through some great moments in history. In fact he’s been part of wars. He was born two years ago of the world war I, Three years in the U.S. Army during World War II and seven years as secretary of defense during the Vietnam War. As a soldier, a politician and a banker he teaches me a lot. For example, he says: Empathize with your enemy and never say never. This film uses a number of rare images to show the significant periods in history. In addition, I remember a very moving statement Robert S. McNamara issues in the film: human beings must stop killing other human beings. Now, however, we all know human beings never stop killing other human beings.



Blog/Diary Assignment 3

Sunday (CBC)
Animals Have Feelings Too
A few years ago a writer traveled to Africa, and after coming back to China, he published a book. In his book he not only describes how beautiful scenery Africa has, but also talks about animals in the grasslands. While he was lecturing in public once, one audience stood up and asked him a question: you say there are a number of animals in the grasslands of Africa, but why a lot of people are famished to death? The writer answered: because Africans think that like human being, the wild animal has the right share one and the same planet. In this episode Animals Have Feelings Too in Sunday (CBC) bestselling author Temple Grandin has the same view about the animal even she thinks that like us animals have feelings. In fact, this is very complicated puzzle how to treat animals humanity because we have to face different cultures, religions and economic situations in the different places in this world. Some country like Canada we can sit down and discuss the animals’ feelings with cups of coffee; however, another country like Afghanistan or Palestine people still concern how to survive under the battlefield bristled with guns.

Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
Actually, the documentary film is biographical film about Noam Chomsky and his book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. This film employs a lot of interviews of Noam Chomsky, so it explores his opinion by the greatest extent. In his point of view the government, some large corporations, the elite and big media businesses cooperate to produce an effective propaganda machine in order to manipulate the opinions of the United States dumb millions. I like the set-up scene that they put a rat in a case over The New York Review-Noam Chomsky: The Case Against B. F. Skinner.

The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
This documentary was directed by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Barak Goodman and the narrator is Academy Award-winning actor Chris Cooper, so It's no wonder
that how amazing this film is. In addition, before I watched it, I guessed the film must be the story is about why and how Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, but I’m wrong. It spends a lot time to introduce the murder John Wilkes Booth. I think it is very interesting part. Since the event happened in 1865, it is impossible to go back that time. Therefore filmmakers employ vivid set ups to reestablish the history such as the old trains, people wearing old clothes on the old street and so on.